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❤ Take Some "Me Time" ❤

Hey guys :))

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been pretty busy with school, homework . . . that kind of thing. I've also been doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this month. Basically, you set a word goal (e.g., 40,000 words) and you write that many words of your novel. I'm at 19,000 words...So I'm a little behind . . . but oh well. :) I'll catch up later.

So today I'd thought that I'd talk about taking a little time to yourself (aka "Me Time"), which is time to rest and relax and just be with God.

So lately, I've been pretty stressed out with pretty much everything. In school, I pressure myself to get perfect grades. If I get a C or lower, I'm so disappointed in myself that it's overwhelming. I have mountains of homework from Algebra, Sign Language, and Spanish. Sometimes I don't get my word count goal in, and it freaks me out. I absolutely love my youth group, but I have been dealing with drama with friends.

With my crazy schedule and messy life, it's hard to have some quality "Me Time"--spending time to relax by myself and to lean on God. Today I'll be showing you guys how to do that. :))

1. Change into comfy clothes. Sweatpants, your favorite shirt or sweatshirt, whatever makes you comfortable-- slide em' on. Pile your hair up in a messy bun, and you're good to go.

2. Wash your face. This step really helps me relax. Be sure to first remove any makeup! Splash some warm water onto your face and scrub with a cleansing pad. Then grab your favorite skin care products and massage them in. I usually apply my products like this: 1. My oil-free acne wash 2. my favorite moisturizer from St. Ive's 3. a good exfoliator and/or face mask. I love any exfoliators from Ronan & Fields and St Ive's.

3. Pamper yourself. Paint your nails a pretty color, tweeze your eyebrows a bit, slide on a favorite comfort lipstick, whatever makes you happy. Of course, I wouldn't put lipstick on after I had just washed my face, but I won't judge! *throws hands up innocently*

4. Grab a snack. My favorites include "popped sweet Chex mix" and (of course) ice cream. My favorite ice cream flavors are cookies n' cream, black raspberry chocolate, and caramel fudge. You can also grab coffee or tea. I love making pumpkin spice lattes in our coffee machine. :))

5. Grab your bible and flip open to a favorite verse, chapter, or book. I personally love reading 1 John, 2 Samuel, and any of the gospels.

6. After I've read my Bible for a little bit, I always pick up a favorite novel or grab my laptop. I love to snuggle up with either an old favorite book that I've read countless times before, or plug in my headphones and watch some Netflix or YouTube. My favorite show on Netflix right now is The Arrow. It's great! :)) Oh, and if you're looking for some good Christian YouTubers, I suggest Chelsea Crockett, Blimey Cow, and Emma Monden. Blimey Cow is a sarcastic comedy channel, and Chelsea and Emma are Christian beauty gurus. Check em' out! :))

7. To wrap up your time, I suggest taking a short walk and enjoy God's nature. I mean, I wouldn't suggest a walk if it's the dead of winter and it's -8°, but you do you, girl. :D

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! :) What do you guys enjoy doing for "Me Time"? How do you pamper yourself? Let me know in the comments! Love you all! ❤

❤ Love from Emma ❤

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